Round Here
We cannot thank my dad enough for helping us tackle this project (as well as my mom, our friend Dave, and my aunt and uncle for loaning us lots of tools and consultation!) Not only do we want a nice spot for our customers to come out and pick up their CSA shares or other products, but we needed a dedicated space in order to meet our licensing requirements, and between day jobs, daily chores and all of the other farm demands, I don't know how Scott and I would have done it without their help. We are so very thankful, excited and extremely proud of my dad's work, and can't wait for all of our customers to see it. As such, we now have regular farmstore hours on Saturdays from 4-6pm. C'mon out for a chicken, lamb and, starting next week, pork!
All other free time in July was spent pulling tansy and hacking thistle. We are seeing firsthand what years of overgrazing does to the land and it ain't pretty. We've spent countless hours pulling tansy, but seems like we've barely made a dent. That is hard for a perfectionist {like me} and a notorious project-completer {like Scott}. But something is better than nothing and we'll continue working on it next season.

July was also a bit nutty, due to the fact that Scott was in Texas for nearly a week for a funeral, directly followed by me being gone for a week for work. With just the two of us doing all of the farm operations, needless to say this made for a tiring two weeks. Admittedly, it was the first time that I've been completely on my own during the busy season and I have to say I was proud of myself! Also made me appreciative of Scott taking care of the farm every time I have to go out of town for work.

August is always a fun month, as we get our poults (baby turkeys) and our last batch of broiler chicks for the season. An added excitement is that we put in an order for some laying chicks, which we'll get one week from today! We are starting out with just a few barred rocks, black australorps and aracaunas. They won't begin laying for a while, but we are already looking forward to the delicious, vibrant orange-yolked eggs that they'll start providing this winter.
It's hard but rewarding work and we wouldn't trade it for anything. The days can be long, but the weeks fly by so we're trying to remember to take moments to stop and take in all the beauty and goodness around us.